Wavier Waiver Name First Last Parent/Guardian First Last Parent/Guardian PhoneConsent Assumption of Risk and Agreement Participation Release of LiabilityAssumption of Risk and Agreement Participation Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the program, related events and activities, I acknowledge and agree that: High intensity exercise must be approached cautiously in the beginning, a gradual ramp up with intensity as necessary to allow muscle cells to adopt to the new demands being placed on them. Failure to do so, opens the door to a life-threatening condition, known as rhabdomyolysis. In short, the muscle cells are damaged flooding the blood stream with toxins that can overwhelm the kidneys as they attempt to clean the blood, leading to potential shut down. CrossFit and Functional Fitness can cause rhabdomyolysis. It is important that you start at a reduced intensity. Brown urine, complete muscle weakness and/or swelling of the joints are warning signs of rhabdomyolysis. If you develop these systems, seek medical assistance immediately. In consideration of RFX Athletic and Roar Fitness 247 allowing me to participate at the ‘RFX Summer Showdown’ I acknowledge, understand and I am aware that: I have voluntarily chosen to participate in training activities, at the ‘RFX Summer Showdown’ provided by RFX Athletic. I understand there are inherent risks in all aspects of physical training and I acknowledge that I have been informed of the possible strenuous nature of the training and the potential for undesirable physiological results including, but not limited to, abnormal blood pressure, muscle soreness, fainting, heart attack and/or death. I also acknowledge that I have been specifically warned about the medical conditional ‘rhabdomyolysis’ and accordingly I have been advised to limit my effort in order to minimise the risks associated with this condition. I understand that the training may involve weightlifting, gymnastic movements, strenuous bodyweight exercises and other high exertion activities, and that I am not obligated to perform nor participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and that it is my right to refuse such participation at any time during my training sessions. I understand that should I feel lightheaded, faint, dizzy, nauseated, or experience pain or discomfort, I am to stop the activity and inform the relevant staff. I give RFX Athletic and the staff of the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ permission to seek emergency medical services for me should I become injured or ill with the understanding that I am responsible for any expenses incurred. I agree to WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I have or may have in the future against RFX Athletic and its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and independent contractors (all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the releases”). I agree to RELEASE THE RELEASES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer as a result of my participation in the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ or 'SUMMER SHOWDOWN' and services provided by RFX Athletic, due to any cause whatsoever including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care. I agree to HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFIY THE RELEASES from any and all liability for any damage to the property of, of personal injury to, any third party, resulting from my participation in the ‘RFX Summer Showdown’, any program, activity or service provided by the releases. This agreement shall be binding upon me, my successors, representatives, heirs, executors, assigns, or transferees. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect. If I am signing on behalf of a minor child, I also give full permission for any personal connected with RFX Athletic to administer first aid deemed necessary, and in case of serious illness or injury, I give permission to call for medical and or surgical care for the child and to transport the child to a medical facility deemed necessary for the well-being of the child. Use of picture(s)/film/likeness: The day will be filmed from multiple angles from multiple photographers; I agree to allow RFX Athletic, its agents, officers, principals, employees and volunteers to use picture(s), film and/or likeness of me for advertising purposes. In the event I choose not to allow the use of the same for said purpose, I agree that I must inform RFX Athletic of this in writing before the competition starts. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THIS AGREEMENT AND I AM AWARE THAT BY SIGNING THIS ‘INFORMED CONSENT FORM’ I AM WAIVING CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS (INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE) WHICH I OR MY HEIRS, NEXT OF KIN, EXECUTOR, ADMINISTERS AND ASSIGNS MAY HAVE AGAINST THE RELEASES. ANY QUESTIONS I HAD WERE ANSWERED TO MY FULL SATISFACTION. Signature