
ROAR Coaching App

Get full access to all of our “BRAND NEW” ROAR Active Training Programs. No matter your training goal, we have got you covered. We have created a series of workout plans that cater to all of your fitness needs and you get full unlimited access to these programs for FREE.
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How to use your FREE Workout Plans

Each of our workout categories have a series of different offerings for you to pick and choose from. Think of it like a buffet menu, you can mix and match workouts from each category to create your own weekly plan, or you can follow them exactly as they are laid out, you get access to them all and the choice is yours!
Each workout has a detailed notes section explaining how to progress from week to week along with exercise demonstrations, notes and an area for you to track all of your sets, reps and weights to see your progress across the weeks.

Want the best possible results?

While our programs make for a great starting point and cover a comprehensive approach to your training, please bare in mind that they are generic in nature and do not take any individualisation into account.
To get the most benefit from your training, we HIGHLY recommend that you utilise your “FREE Purpose session” with one of our amazing personal trainers to help get you set up and show you how to safely and effectively perform the workouts.
Working regularly with a trainer will always be a more effective and time efficient way to get the best results possible from your training. For more information on our trainers please visit the “Trainers” section of our website.
To get instant access all of our workout offerings, please click on the links attached and gain access to all!

Beginner Level Workouts

These workouts are designed specifically for people who have minimal gym experience or are just getting back into routine after a long break. The exercises used are very straightforward, the amount of workload within each workout is low to moderate to ensure you do enough but not too much to the point that you can’t walk the next day. Each workout is complete with exercise demos, guidelines on how intense to work and we even lay out how you should be aiming to progress the workouts over the space of a 4 week cycle.
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Intermediate Level Workouts

Our intermediate workout offerings are designed for people who have at least 1, ideally 2 years or more of consistent strength training experience and who feel competent with general strength training and barbell movements. Each workout has exercise demos, technique cues and an explanation of how to progress the workout over a 4 week period to ensure you are getting the best results possible. We have 6 different workout for you to pick and chose from, build your week out with a combination of the workouts.

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Bodypart Workouts

Do you have a muscle group that you really want to target and don’t know how, or maybe you just need some fresh new ideas? Check out our selection of Bodypart workouts, we cover everything you will need to know along with providing you with detailed workout guidelines and video demos.
We usually recommend a bodypart workout for anyone that has some gym experience and has been consistent with their training. If you are new to the gym or haven’t been very consistent recently, you would be better suited to one of our Full Body routines.
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Express Workouts

Short on time and don’t know what to do? We have got you covered with our selection of Express workouts. We have 6 different offerings that range from a 12-minute-high intensity body weight workout, through to a 34-minute quick fire strength session and everything else in between. We have full body and split body routines, each workout has detailed guidelines and instructions on how to make the most out of your workouts.
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Minimal Equipment Workouts

Travelling away on holiday, working out from home or simply want to change your routine to a minimal approach? We have you covered without selection of minimal equipment workouts. We have specific workouts for DB’s only, Bands Only, KB’s Only, Bodyweight Only. We have strength workouts and cardio based workouts.
All of our workouts have detailed guidelines and exercise demos to follow along with.
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Sweat Workouts

If high intensity effort and cardio gains are your jam, our Sweat workouts are exactly what you need. Choose from a selection of 7 different sessions that all use different techniques and equipment that will push your cardio fitness to the limits. AMRAPs, EMOMs, Functional & Bodyweight routines all included.
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